LMPS Members Enjoy Long Weekend on Lake
It was too early for fall colors, but 52 members of
the Lake Murray Power Squadron were happy to find the water still warm enough to
enjoy while cruising the waters of Lake Jocassee 20-23 September 2021. With one
couple camping, the remainder of the group rented 13 villas at Devils Fork State
Park for the long weekend. Some folks took time for a cruise of Lake Keowee,
while others added a drive through the mountains. Especially nice was the
abundance of waterfalls resulting from the summer rains. do plan to sign aboard
for this trip next time around - remember we have to plan two years out in order
to reserve cabins for this popular destination! If anything, some of us old
timers miss the relative secluded nature that defined the lake when the squadron
was one of the first groups to book villas when they first opened in 1992. It was
daunting to see the line of traffic waiting to launch Saturday - the park actually
closed when it reached capacity, a common problem during boating season.
Incoming Administrative Officer Valerie Hunter
coordinated the trip and members Charles and Stephanie Heath provided an
excellent guided tour of
the lake, which is a 7,565-acre, 300-foot deep man-made reservoir in northwest South
Carolina. Formed by the Whitewater, Thompson, and Toxaway Rivers, it is known
for its mostly undeveloped shoreline, views of the Jocassee Gorges Wildlife
Management Area and surrounding mountains, and waterfalls that cascade directly
into the lake. The lake is operated by Duke Power Company. Public access is
through Devils Fork State Park, created in 1973 through a partnership between
South Carolina and Duke Power.
Click on the fist thumbnail to open a slide show of the fun we
had on the waters of Lake Jocassee.