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Photo by P/C David Allen, Lake Murray Power Squadron

Photo by V/C David Allen, SN

Our Mission

As a fraternal, non-profit boating organization serving central South Carolina (known locally as the Midlands and home of the state capital, Columbia). our three-part mission includes the promotion of boating safety through education, civic service, and the enjoyment of boating (power and sail) activities and social functions among our membership. We seek to Learn, Engage and Connect. To learn more about our goals and objectives, check out our mission statement

America's Boating Club of Lake Murray has been serving central South Carolina since 1963. Originally known as Congaree Power Squadron, Lake Murray Power Squadron is part of something larger — the United States Power Squadrons®, which was organized in 1914 as a non-profit, educational organization dedicated to making boating safer and more enjoyable by teaching classes in seamanship, navigation and related subjects. America's Boating Club® is a registered trademark of United States Power Squadrons, USPS is America's largest non-profit boating organization and has been honored by three U.S. presidents for its civic contributions. Our members are boaters and boating families who boat together, learn together, and contribute to their communities by promoting safe boating through education. America's Boating Club has over 20,000 members organized into more than 300 squadrons across the country. We are America's Boating Club of Lake Murray. To learn more about what we do, follow the links on the navigation bar for details from our newsletter, information about our cruises, and descriptions of the many educational opportunities that we offer our members. For a summary of member benefits, view or print What's in it for You? (PDF). You also might want to read our national magazine, The Ensign, or Lake Murray's local squadron newsletter, The Log Jam, to learn more about our organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our Past Commander Jerry Wise offers answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the Lake Murray Power Squadron, America's Boating Club of Lake Murray.

America's Boating Club

If you want to know more about America's Boating Club, please  visit our national website.

The Benefits of Membership

For more information about how to become a member, you can complete a membership application or contact a current member of the Lake Murray Power Squadron. This is an interactive PDF application that can be completed online, printed, signed and sent by postal service to the address on the back of the form or emailed to our Commander ─ his email address is below. Additional email links are found on the page listing our current Bridge officers.

Message in a bottle gifContact Information for America's Boating Club of Lake Murray

Electronic mail:

General Information: Cdr Mike Charles, AP
Webmaster: P/C Debra Allen, AP

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Disctinctive Communicator Award Updated 06 March 2025
Copyright © 2000-2024 Lake Murray Power Squadron, America's Boating Club℠ of Lake Murray
America's Boating Club® is a trademark of the United States Power Squadrons®
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