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Lake Murray Power Squadron to Host
District 26 Spring Conference
16-18 March 2018
Lake Murray Power Squadron invites you to spend St.
Patrick’s Day weekend in Columbia for the D/26 Spring Conference, 16-18 March
2018. The conference will be headquartered in the Columbia Marriott, 1200
Hampton Street, Columbia, South Carolina.
Social activities will include a Friday evening dinner, with a St. Patrick’s Day
theme, of course, and the Saturday evening awards banquet. A spouses’ activity
is not being planned, because the City of Columbia has done that for us! Those
not attending the Saturday morning meetings can simply step out the doors onto
Main Street and into Soda City, a festival-type event held each Saturday from
0900 to 1300, with a variety of local food vendors and local artists and
crafters, even vendors selling veggies, meat, and eggs.
South Carolina State House is a four-block walk south on Main Street from the
hotel. The Columbia Art Museum is on Main Street, on the block diagonally across
from the Marriott. Mast General Store is less than two blocks north on Main
Street. And there are a variety of restaurants within walking distance of the
hotel. The hotel also has a fitness room and an indoor pool for those looking
for a little physical activity.
Complete the conference registration form
Your reservation
may be made with the Marriott by calling 803-771-7000 (ask
for the D/26 Spring Conference rate), or make it online at
Marriott Reservations D26 Spring Conference. Make your reservations by 5
February for the conference rate of $139 plus tax per night.
We look forward to seeing you in the Capital City!