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Fundraising and Repairs
to our Home on the Lake
by Cdr Fred Ruinen, JN
While we have enjoyed many fun activities, we need to continue to take care
of our home on the lake, and fix the things that need to be fixed. This takes
time, manpower, and money and we appreciate everyone who has helped out with
getting our home back in to shape. We have made good progress, but still have
more to do. As a summary, here is what has been done:
P/C Charlie Bruce
took the lead to install boards along the Coast Guard dock to break the
waves as they come across the ramp and the cove. The boards where reinforced
by installing 20 tons of rip rap along the wall/boards by a contractor which
was also coordinated by Charlie. A huge thank you to Charlie and everyone
else that helped out on this project.
Septic Tank
the Oyster Roast this year, we discovered that the bathrooms were not
draining properly. A huge thank you to Steve Crater and his crew. He
volunteered to take the project on and by the time he was done, roots in the
system were removed, a new cleanout was installed, and a pit was built to
keep the roots out and allow easy access for maintenance and trouble
shooting in the future.
Building Foundation
the years, we have had settlement issues with our building. They got much
worse this year as we noticed that the wall on the north side of the
building was bowing and the ceiling tiles were separating from the wall.
With the help of Lt Ed Garbe and Charlie, several proposals were received
from contractors. The bridge decided on a contractor and Charlie took the
lead to coordinate the installation of the new foundation. A continuous
footer was installed, and the building leveled as much as possible, then new
supports installed. To get this work done, the front porch had to be moved,
and additional issues were discovered that included a rotten sill and a
front porch that needed to be replaced. A huge thank you to Mark Burtis, P/C
Jim Rakes, P/C Tony Dodson, P/C RJ Becht, and several others who also
pitched in to help get this part of the project done.
The roof
shingles are not in good shape and need to be replaced. This project still
needs to be completed and will move forward when we have the resources and
funds available.
Fundraising Update
We have been raising funds
throughout the year in various ways including events, selling tickets for
prizes, and thanks to P/C Jim Rakes’ print donation, we have been selling
tickets to give this beautiful print away to one of our members. In fact,
Joe Firimonte was the lucky winner of the print at our Shake 'N Break.
However, Joe has donated the print back to the squadron so we can continue
selling additional tickets and give out this prize later in the year. Thank
you, Joe.
To date, we have raised
$3,300 compared to our goal of $6,000. In addition to the money, a lot of
labor hours have been put in to these projects by many of our members. For
everyone who has contributed in any way (time, money, talent) to all that we
have going on, thank you, thank you, thank you. We still need to raise
additional funds to cover the expenses to date and the roof that still needs
to be replaced.
In addition to the projects
mentioned above, we have our usual Island Workdays headed up by Lt Mike Urquhart
to take care of cutting the grass, removing pine cones, maintenance on the
docks, repair of water lines, moving the air conditioning unit, cleaning the
building and bathrooms, and much more. As you can see, it takes a small army to
keep our facilities in tip top shape.
We are truly blessed with the
facility that we have and with all of our members. We have many more great
activities and events planned. I look forward to seeing you at the Island and
out on the water.