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Lake Murray Power Squadron
Welcomes New Leadership
Cdr Ed Garbe opened his farewell remarks at the 5 November 2021
Change of Watch by noting “the squadron hit the ground running in 2021,”
recruiting 34 new members and earning recognition from the district for its
membership growth.
Lt/C Mike
Urquhart is sworn in as Commander
of America's Boating Club of Lake Murray,
with his wife Cathy by his side. |
Prior to D/Lt/C Marc Theriault swearing in Lake Murray's new
commander and his bridge officers, now Past Commander Garbe recalled the many
activities that the squadron experienced during 2021, despite the continuation
of coping with COVID-19 restrictions.
Squadron members rebuilt docks, painted our building, installed
a new heat/ac and, by the end of September, raised enough money to add new
gravel to the road leading into the squadron's facility. On top of those
successes, he said the squadron hosted five major social events, held 15
organized boat trips/cruises, and conducted five educational courses. Citing the
squadron's civic service activities, Cdr Garbe spotlighted the squadron's
hosting of a day on the lake for residents of Thornwell Children's Home and
partnerships to assist the Dam Swim and the Lake Murray Yacht Racing
Association's Overnight Sail Race. In addition, there were six Flotilla Friday
events and members came out for nine cleanup days to keep our Flotilla Island
facilities properly maintained!
As P/C Garbe thanked everyone for their support of LMPS this
past watch year, he gave special thanks to his wife Barb. He then asked his
bridge to come forward to be dismissed and presented each a personalized
baseball cap embroidered with LMPS and the name of their boat. Turning the
squadron over to D/Lt/C Theriault, he said, “It’s been a helluva year and 2022
will be even better – we’ve got a great guy coming in to lead the squadron.”
Before beginning the formalities of the Change of Watch, D/Lt/C
Theriault said it was his first visit to Lake Murray, noting the warm welcome he
and North Strand’s Executive Officer Ellen Simpson had received. After reviewing
the 2021 activities highlighted on Lake Murray’s website and hearing Cdr Garbe’s
remarks, he said he was envious of the squadron’s success. D/C Rich Norris wants
D/26 squadrons is to build on their traditions and move forward, understanding
that what they do makes a difference, he said, noting, “Lake Murray already
appears to be doing that and from what I’ve seen, I’m convinced Lake Murray
leads the pack.”
D/Lt/C Theriault then called Mike Urquhart forward, with his
wife Cathy at his side, to be sworn in as commander of America’s Boating Club of
Lake Murray. Speaking to his newly sworn-in Bridge, Cdr Urquhart said he was
excited to serve with them. He thanked D/Lt/C Theriault and Lt/C Simpson for
their participation.
During his acceptance speech before the 66 members and guests in
attendance, Cdr Urquhart noted he would not be a commander in name only. He said
he wanted to enhance the organization and had identified three goals to achieve
this: (1) improve new member engagement, (2) enhance how the squadron
communicates with its members, (3) modernize financial processes by implementing
the use of QuickBooks.
He concluded the evening by presenting P/C Garbe a plaque
thanking him for his service to Lake Murray. Click on the first thumbnail below
for a slideshow of our celebration of the watch year concluded and the new one
that has begun!