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David Allen Elected Secretary of America's
Boating Club
Murray's own David Allen was elected secretary of America's Boating Club during
the organization's annual meeting at Ponte Vedra, Florida, 19-27 February 2022.
He is pictured here with other members of the national bridge. Shown left to
right are Past Chief Commander Mary Paige Abbott, SN-IN; Treasurer Diana
Jackson, SN; Secretary David Allen, SN; Chief Commander Craig Fraser, SN-IN;
Executive Officer Ralph Barnard, AP; and Administrative Officer Mike Wiedel,
JN-IN. Not shown is Educational Officer Bill McManimen, SN-ON.
As Secretary, David is the Vice Commander
responsible for six national committees: Operations Manual Committee, Ship's
Store Committee, Information Technology Committee, Communications Committee,
Heritage & Protocol Committee, and Member Services Committee. The Cyber Squadron
with its nearly 1400 members also reports to the Secretary's Department.
Assisting David will be Lake Murray member Barbara
Pearson, AP, who serves as chair of the Communications Committee; while
Assistant Secretary is Lisa Wilson, SN-IN. Lisa, whose parents were long-time
members of Lake Murray, is Past Commander of America's Boating Club of Atlanta.
Another Lake Murray member, P/C Eric Pearson, SN-CN, will continue as Assistant
Educational Officer of the national organization.
During February's annual meeting, outgoing Chief
Commander Mary Paige Abbott presented David a certificate of Meritorious Service
for his work as Assistant Secretary, a position to which he was elected in 2019.
David serves as co-chair of the USPS Ad Hoc Reorganization Committee. He served
on the National Law Committee for 18 years, including a four-year tenure as
National Law Officer when he developed the USPS Endowment Fund, and resolved
litigation matters and contract disputes. While on the National Rules Committee,
he drafted the current Model District Bylaws. A member since 1985 with 35 Merit
Marks, David has served in virtually every squadron leadership position,
including bartender. As Commander in 1994, he led the move to change the
squadron name from Congaree to Lake Murray. He has taught Public Boating,
Seamanship, Operations Training and is a Vessel Safety Examiner. At the district
level, he serves as District 26 Law Officer and has chaired the District Rules