Lake Murray Power Squadron Hosts
Sea Tow Life Jacket Loaner Stand at Flotilla Island
America's Boating Club of Lake Murray, also known as Lake Murray Power
Squadron (LMPS), continues to host a Sea Tow Life Jacket Loaner Stand at
Flotilla Island. Sea Tow Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting boater
safety and education, selected LMPS as one of several
nonprofit organizations and boating agencies to host its Life Jacket Loaner program.

The new stands and life jackets were purchased with a grant from the
Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund administered by the U.S. Coast
Guard. Lake Murray Power Squadron first made the stand available on 29 April 2016 at
Flotilla Island. Anyone needing to borrow a life jacket should come to the
floating dock with the boat lift. Please email the squadron at when
borrowing a life jacket. Sizes are available for adults (standard and extra
large), youth, children and infants.
Since 2008, the Sea Tow Foundation has distributed over 100,000 life jackets
to local businesses and organizations across the country. The over 1,300 life
jacket loaner stations currently in operation are placed in locations where
boaters will have easy access to the life jackets, such as boat ramps, marinas,
and parks. Boaters
may borrow the life jackets at no cost and are asked to return them when they
are finished so that they are available for others to use to help keep
themselves and their passengers safer on the water.
For more information, please visit Or to view a
map of locations beyond that hosted by America's Boating Club of Lake Murray,
view this map of
Life Jacket Loaner Stations.
About Sea Tow Foundation
In 2007, Sea Tow Founder Capt. Joe Frohnhoefer created the Sea Tow Foundation –
a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization – to promote safe boating practices. The
Foundation’s goal is to reduce accidents, fatalities and property damage related
to recreational boating. For more information, please visit
About Sea Tow
Sea Tow Services International Inc. is the nation’s leading on-water assistance
provider for boaters. Established in 1983 by Founder Capt. Joe Frohnhoefer, Sea
Tow serves members inland to the coast throughout the United States, Europe,
U.S. Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. Sea Tow also offers free boating safety
information including the Sea Tow App for smart phones, Sea Tow’s Automated
Radio Check Service, and the nonprofit Sea Tow Foundation’s Life Jacket Loaner
Station program.